
The reason for the Family Spot:

The family spot is an attempt to communicate that church is for everyone and that we are all part of the one church family (even though we split off for more age appropriate teaching). 

The family spot is therefore a chance to do things that actively include the younger members of our church family as well as do things relevant to our communal life together. Hopefully this not only communicates something whilst at church but also ministers to families and parents by modelling interactions between children and adults. For example, the culture watch demonstrates how to think ‘Christian-ly’ about things in our children’s world in order to talk about the messages they contain.

Kid’s Spot Options (Annabel Catto)​

  1. Kid’s Song
  2. Family Devotions
  3. Culture Watch
  4. Memory Verse
  5. Prayer Altogether
  6. Kid’s Talk / Drama / etc
  7. Kid’s program feedback
  8. Mission spot
  9. Kid's Evangelism Spot